Saturday 24 January 2009

This Blog Thing

Righhhtyy. I thought I would start this cause like my wife like does the same, so I thought meeeehhhh I'll do it aswell. (Like no ones gunna really read it.)

Anyway I got very very drunk last night...first time I had a hangover this morning. Not nice. NEVER down my drinks in shots. They will kill you.

Anyyywaaayyy. Got one of Flukes albums today ^__^. Sounds sweet! Weeeeeeeee

Umm, also I'm downloading ReFX Nexus, so my music can sound a wee bit better.

Not happy, cause I'm a bit behind in coursework, so like FUCK! deadlines this monday and I only done 4/10 coursework...and they are sorta rushed. So like, I thinks tomorrow, will be like hectic.

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...need to get my attendance in college up. its at 68%...oops.

Dead happy my UCAS is on time... I gots a interview with edge hill ^_^ weee! Although I think my best friend is gay (whos going to EH with me) cause last night he made out with a gay boy called Harry. Im like....oh dear. Scared.

Oh well, most likey I'll be at UWS in Ayr. So yanno. Whatever, a uni is a uni!

Ha ha ha

Peace Out!


1 comment:

  1. Aww (:
    I'll read it <3
    & I told you your UCAS would be on time :]
